July 19th, 2012…Thursday Island

I did not want to get up this morning, although I knew that if I did not make a move we could miss out on a great opportunity.  We needed to be down at the Seisia Pier by 7:45am to see if we could luck into a standby slot on the ferry across to Thursday Island.  The ferry is precooked a week in advance, and we did not plan on waiting a week to go across.  Today is actually Thursday, so maybe Karma will be on our side and we'll get a slot.  Captain Terry gave the O.K., we were on our way!  It was a fabulous day to be on the water and took about 90 minutes to cross the Endeavor and Torres Strait, maneuver past the sandbars and reef, pass Possesion Island, Prince of Wales Island, and Horn Island before arriving at the turquoise bay of Thursday Island.  Thursday Island is located between Wednesday and Friday Islands…ha ha ha, no joke!!
Kev and I joined a brief tour that showed us around "TI" as it is called by the locals.  We patronized Australia's most northern pub, enjoyed a cold beer and fish and chips!

The ride back was lightening fast as we both fell asleep across the cool cabin seats…what a gorgeous day in paradise!  That evening we shared our day with Greame, a solo push bike rider that has been making his way up slowly up to "the Tip".  We sat at a much cherished picnic table that we scored that morning and thought…"How lucky are we to live in this marvelous world!"

Welcome to Thursday Island.​